pet therapy
What is it about our pets that always seems to cheer us up no matter what our mood?
We have four cats. I've been called a cat lady on many occasions. I'm ok with that. Here's why:

That's Sebastian on top of a door. Yes, a door. And Lucy's admiring him from below.

Toby's latest pose.

Lucy's favorite rule to break - don't climb the clothes in my closet.

The princess. We have no incriminating photos of Chloe. Probably because we're too shocked when she decides to pee in the laundry basket or when she jumps on the kitchen counter and lands smack in the middle of the birthday cake Ken just made me.
Seriously, though, despite all of these reasons to question our decision to own four cats, they still manage to cheer me up on days when I'm feeling frustrated with the world's injustices. I mean, let's be honest - they're cats. They have their own agendas, each one of them. They're busy doing important things all day long. Or at least they seem to think so. But when I get home at the end of the day, I always know I have at least four little beings who rely on me to love and care for them. And isn't that what we all want - to feel adequate and appreciated because we're able to love and provide for others and fulfill their needs?
Call it selfish, but I have a sneaking suspicion this is why most of us have pets. It's easy to love them when they never get mad at us!
It's great to see Sebastian again and to get a look at your other beautiful cats. What a fun place you guys must have! I love the pictures.
Hi! I found your blog through yogamama. I just wanted to tell you that I love the quote at the top of your blog. It's exactly the words that my brother needs to hear. He is a good-spirited person who does a lot of good works, but he tends to want to do so much that he becomes easily immobilized and depressed. I think that he might find some comfort and inspiration in the quote so I'm going to send it to him.
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